Rotary Part Programming

Part program type is dependent upon machine configuration:

  • Universal—all axis configurations and machines (default)

  • Rotary A—4-axis rotary machining

  • Rotary A Tilt B—4-axis rotary and 5-axis rotary or tilt machining

  • Tilt A Rotary C—4-axis rotary and 5-axis rotary or tilt machining on trunnion table machines

  • Rotary B—4-axis rotary machining on horizontal machines

  • Tilt B Rotary C—4-axis rotary and 5-axis rotary or tilt machining on SR machines

See Configuration of Hurco Machining Centers for information about setting the program type.

The following sections contain details about the program blocks for each configuration:

Universal Configuration

Rotary A and Rotary A Tilt B Configuration 

Tilt A Rotary C Configuration

Rotary B Configuration

Tilt B Rotary C Configuration

Rotary New Block

Rotary New Block is the same for all configurations. When you select the Rotary softkey a new data block will appear with the following softkeys:

  • Rotary Position—moves all axes, including the rotary axis. See Rotary Position Block.

  • Rotary Milling—access the Rotary Lines and Arcs, Circle, Frame, True-Type Font, Slot, and Polygon data blocks. See Rotary Milling New Block.

  • Rotary Patterns—access the Rotary Pattern Loop, Rotary Pattern Locations, Rectangular, Mirror, and Transform Plane data blocks to repeat a rotary feature on a cylinder. See Rotary Patterns.

  • Rotary Parameters—define the parameters of the cylinder. See Rotary Parameters (non-Universal configurations).

  • Transform Plane—access the Transform Plane block where angles or vectors information is entered. See Universal Transform Plane.

  • Transform Plane End—ends the Transform Plane.

  • Transform Plane Groups—accesses the Transform Plane Group blocks: Linear, Rotate, and Locations. See Transform Plane Groups.


Tool changes are completed before each rotary data block is executed. The tool change will be automatic or the machine will prompt for manual insertion of the tool specified in the data block.

Rotary Position Block

A Rotary Position data block is used to move the machine’s axes to a specific location at Rapid feedrate. A new Rotary Position data block is required each time the rotary-axis must be repositioned in the part program.

The tool will move to the Retract Plane, Safety Plane, or Home Z position before the table rotates into position each time a Rotary Position data block with rotary-axis positioning is executed in a Conversational part program.


A Rotary Position data block should be included as the first data block in a Conversational rotary part program to define the initial orientation of the rotary axis.

Rotary Position Block fields are dependent upon machine axis configuration. Fields for all configurations except Universal are listed below. See Rotary Position Block - Universal for Universal Rotary Position block fields.

Refer to the Field Glossary for definitions of Rotary Position Block fields:

Rotary Milling New Block

Rotary Milling New Block is the same for all configurations. These softkeys appear on the Rotary Milling New Block screen:

  • Rotary Lines And Arcsaccess the Rotary Mill Contour data block to create lines and arcs on a cylinder.  

  • Rotary Circleaccess the Rotary Mill Circle data block to create a circle on a cylinder.

  • Rotary Frameaccess the Rotary Mill Frame data block to create a frame on a cylinder.

  • Rotary True Type Font (available with Universal Rotary configuration only)—access the Rotary True Type font data block to create text on a cylinder.

  • Rotary Slot (available with Universal configuration only)—access the Rotary Slot data block to create a slot on a cylinder.

  • Rotary Polygon (available with Universal configuration only)—access the Rotary Polygon data block to create a polygon on a cylinder.

  • Rotary Stick Lettering (available with Universal configuration only) — access the Rotary Stick Lettering data block to create text on a cylinder.

Rotary Patterns

Rotary patterns allow you to repeat a rotary mill feature (e.g., rotary circle, rotary frame, holes) on the part. These are the softkeys on the Rotary Patterns data block:

  • Rotary Loop—repeats a pattern along the X-A plane on a cylindrical part.

  • Rotary Locations—repeats a mill feature anywhere on a cylindrical part.

  • Rotary Rectangular (available only with Universal configuration)—repeats a rectangle on a cylindrical part.

  • Rotary Mirror (available only with Universal configuration)—repeats a pattern as a mirror image.

Rotary Parameters (non-Universal configurations)

The Rotary Parameters data block is used to set the radius of the cylindrical part and to define the Y Off of Centerline parameter.

For Universal configurations, see Rotary Parameters - Universal.

Refer to the Field Glossary for definitions of Rotary Parameters Block fields: