—in Pattern Mirror Image, the Y coordinate for a point on a line about which the Mirror Image routine occurs, as measured from part zero to the mirror line.

—in Position and Rotary Position data block, the Y-axis coordinate where the mill feature will be located on the part. This dimension is measured relative to Part Zero.

—in Manual Rapid Move, the Y end position of the move in a linear axis.

Y-Axis Safety Position

sets the absolute Y axis machine location to which the table will move when the Table Safety Move parameter is set to Yes for an Automatic Tool Change. See Machine Parameters – General 2 in Getting Started with WinMax Mill for more information.

Y Center

—the center point of the shape, in Y.

—in Mill Thread, the Y-axis coordinate for the center of the thread.

—in Pattern Loop Angular and Rotate, the Y coordinate of the reference point about which the pattern is rotated.

Y Corner

—the Y coordinate of any one of the four corners of a frame or face which then becomes the reference corner.

Y Direction

appears with Vector method in Universal Transform Plane/Transform Plane Groups. Enter U, V, W vector components for the Y direction.

Y Distance

the distance between the repeated patterns along the Y axis line in Pattern blocks. (Negative values indicate direction.)

—in Transform Plane Groups, the distance between each transform plane in the sequence, along the Y axis.

Y End

—the end point in Y.

—in Rotary AC Contour blocs, the rotary-axis coordinate (angle) for the ending point of the line.

Y Length

the length of the rectangle along the Y axis, measured from the reference corner. This value is positive or negative relative to the reference corner:

  • Y Length is positive if the reference corner is at the left side of the rectangle.

  • Y Length is negative if the reference corner is at the right side of the rectangle.

—in Stock Geometry, the Y length of the stock (when Stock Type is Box.).

Y Max

—the maximum Y coordinate to define the working envelope the probe tip uses to search for part features in X and Y machine coordinates. This envelope also helps protect against crashing the probe. These fields are similar to the safety work region in Part Setup.

Y Min

—the minimum Y coordinate to define the working envelope the probe tip uses to search for part features in X and Y machine coordinates. This envelope also helps protect against crashing the probe. These fields are similar to the safety work region in Part Setup.

Y Number

the number of times the programmed routine will be repeated along a line parallel to the Y axis in Pattern Loop Rectangular.

Y Off Of Centerline

—determines where the tool will locate on the Y coordinate. The default selection is No. (Rotary A and Rotary A Tilt B configurations only.)

  • If set to No, the tool will position the Y coordinate (specified in the A Centerline Y field on the Part Setup screen) directly over the centerline of the rotary axis when cutting a rotary mill feature (e.g., rotary circle, rotary frame).

  • If set to Yes, the tool will stay at the current Y coordinate (specified in the A Centerline Y field on the Part Setup screen) when cutting a rotary mill feature (e.g., rotary circle, rotary frame).

Y Offset

—the offset for the Y axis, to be added to the Y dimension in the data block.

Y Point

—the plane of the arc in Y when it is 180° or greater.

Y Position

—the Y-axis coordinate relative to Part Zero Y.

—in Universal Rotary Position, the location to which the Y axis will move before the rotary-axis orients. Can specify order using drop-down list.

Y Radius

—the distance along the Y axis from Y Center to the edge of the ellipse.

Y Reference

—in Lettering blocks, the Y coordinate of the point where text is aligned relative to the Height Ref Location.

—in Pattern Loop Angular, the Y coordinate of the reference point (the only point in the pattern always on the circular path defined by this routine).

—in Pattern Scale, the X coordinate of the point from which the scaling will be performed.

Height Ref Location

—the location of the Y reference point. Default is Bottom. Values are:

  • Bottom—the bottom of the letter is aligned with the Y reference point.

  • Top—the top of the letter is aligned with the Y reference point.

  • Center—the letter is centered above and below the Y reference point.

Y Ref Position

—the location of the stock on Y axis relative to the Zero Ref, in Stock Geometry; can use Store Position or can be set to Part Zero with softkey.

Y Safety Position

—when the Rotary Safety Move field is set to Yes, defines the location to which Y axis will move before the rotary-axis orients.

Y Scale

the scaling factor from the Y axis. If scaling is not executed from the axis, enter 1.0000.

  • A value that is less than 1.0000 scales down the pattern.

  • A value that is greater than 1.0000 scales up the pattern.

Y Start

—the starting point in Y.

—in Rotary AC Contour block, the rotary-axis start point coordinate calculated with data programmed in the Start segment. The value of Y Start can be changed only in the segment in which it was created.