—in Position data block, the Z coordinate for the position to which the tool should move (after Z Top position is reached). This dimension is measured relative to Part Zero.

—in Rotary Position, the offset for the Z axis. Z is used when a vise or other fixture holds multiple parts at different levels.

Z-Axis Position

—indicates At Zero position.

—in APC Diagnostics, indicates if the Z-axis is At Zero (calibration point), APC position, or neither. Must be At APC position to begin an APC cycle.

Z Bottom

—the plunge bottom point; where feed rate begins.

—in Hole operations, the bottom of the hole.

—in Manual Rapid Move, the Z end position of the move in a linear axis.

Z Break Out

—the Z end position for the break out step at the specified feed and speed.

Z Center

—the center point in Z.

Z Clearance

the incremental distance to rapid the tool away from the cutting distance. At this point, the tool pauses and the spindle returns to its original direction to close the cutter.

Z Corner

—the Z-axis coordinate of any one of the four corners of the frame. This corner becomes the reference corner.

Z Depth

in a Back Spotface operation, the depth to which the tool feeds.

—in Part Probing, the distance, relative to the Start Position, the Z axis moves downward before changing direction and searching horizontally for each contact point on the cylinder’s diameter.


There should be no deflection during the Z move.

Z Drop Down Depth

—used only when measuring tool diameter. This parameter (a negative value) indicates the distance to drop down from the surface of the probe or beam. For example, if you wish to measure the diameter of the tool ¼" from the tip, this parameter would be set to –0.25".

Z Distance

—the distance on the Z-axis between each repetition of the mill feature or transform plane. The right-hand rule determines if Distance is positive or negative.

Z End

—the end coordinate in Z.

—in Tilt B Rotary C configurations, the point where the Z-axis plunge into the cylinder ends.

Z Length

—the Z length of the stock in Stock Geometry (when Stock Type is Box.).

—in Rotary Frame, Tilt B Rotary C configuration, the Z-axis coordinate measured from the reference corner:

  • Z Length is positive if the reference corner is at the left side of the rectangle.

  • Z Length is negative if the reference corner is at the right side of the rectangle.

Z Limit Override

—When set to ON, axis will override the Z limit, and retract to the specified machine-relative position (usually a position in negative Z) before reorienting for the next move. This parameter is typically used with 5 axis machines.

Z Location

— calculates the difference between Z Reference and the height of the touch-off device.

Z Move Type

—the level to which Z-axis retracts at the beginning of the Rotary Position data block:

  • Z Home—Z-axis will move at Rapid feedrate to the position defined in Z Machine field.

  • Z Safety—Z-axis will move at Rapid feedrate to the position defined in the Part Limit Z (+) field on the Part Setup screen.

Z Offset

—the offset for the Z axis, to be added to the Z dimension in the data block.

Z Out

—the Z end position of the retract move from Z Re-entry, in Custom Drill.

Z Plunge

the point within the hole to which the tool feeds before rapid movement to Z Bottom. This action assures that the cutter is fully closed, preventing damage to the tool and part.

Z Plunge Start

—in Mill Thread, the Z position at which plunge feed begins.

Z Point

—the plane of the arc in Z when it is 180° or greater.

Z Position

—the position to which Z-axis retracts when Z Position is selected for the Retract Type in a Universal Rotary Position block.

Z Re-entry

—the Z end position of the Custom Drill re-entry move back into the hole at the specified speed and feed.

Z Reference

—the Z coordinate of the point from which the scaling is performed in Pattern Scale.

—in Tool Measurement screen, the machine reference position of the table top from machine zero.

Z Ref Position

—the location of the stock on Z axis relative to the Zero Ref, in Stock Geometry; use Store Position or set to Part Zero with softkey.

Z Retract

—in a Holes block, the Z position of the retract move through the hole at the specified speed and feed. Z Retract can be greater than, less than, or equal to Z Start.

—in a Position block, turns the Z retract move on or off.

Z Roughing

—specifies if the Z roughing strategy be applied to the roughing pass.

Z Scale

the scaling factor from the Z axis. If scaling is not executed from the axis, enter 1.0000.

  • A value that is less than 1.0000 scales down the pattern.

  • A value that is greater than 1.0000 scales up the pattern.

Z Start

—the point where Plunge Feed rate begins, moving the tool to Z Bottom.

Z Start RPM

—the spindle speed from Z Start to Z Bottom in a Gun Drill cycle.

Z Table Offset

—the part offset in Z direction relative to the table top; field is available only with Rotary configurations in Zero Calibration mode.

Z Top

the position of the entry move into the material at the specified speed and feed. The tool moves rapidly to this point and then slowly moves into the pre-drilled starting hole.

Z Top Feed

the rate at which the tool moves from the Z Top position to the Z Start position in a Gun Drill cycle.


—the spindle speed from Z Top to Z Start in a Gun Drill cycle. negative values will result in a counter-clockwise rotation.

Zero Calibration

identifies Z-axis position of the tool tip when positioned at workpiece or gauge block. A (P) is displayed if the value is set by probing. Field available in Zero calibration mode only. See Zero Calibration Mode in Getting Started with WinMax Mill for more information.

Zero Ref

—coordinate system zero from which to reference the stock zero position in Stock Geometry.


—the zone on a dual-zone machine:

  • 1 = Zone 1 (the left-side zone when facing the machine).

  • 2 = Zone 2 (the right-side zone when facing the machine).

  • 0 = the current zone. Zone 0 can be used when dual zones are enabled but you do not need to run the program in a particular zone. Setting the Zone field to 0 will run the program in the zone that the spindle currently occupies.