Bolt Circle

For each Holes block, you must include a Bolt Circle, Locations, or Rotary Locations operation. The Bolt Circle, Locations, or Rotary Locations softkeys are not available for the first operation in a Holes block because they require prior operations to identify the type of operation, the tool, reference points, and machining information.

A Bolt Circle operation executes a series of equally spaced holes in a common circle. This operation allows skipping holes in the bolt circle.

  • All Locations programmed in a block containing a Bolt Circle are executed in addition to the Bolt Circle pattern.

  • All operations programmed in a data block are performed at all locations specified in that block.

To program a new Bolt Circle operation:

  1. Display the Input screen and select the Part Programming softkey.

  2. Select the Insert Block Before softkey.

  3. Select the Holes softkey. The Hole Operation screen opens.

  4. Select and program the hole operation(s).

  5. Place cursor in the Operation field and select Next Operation softkey.

  6. Select the Bolt Circle softkey.

Enter the number of holes, the radius, and the X and Y center coordinates to establish the bolt circle pattern. Use the Skip List field to specify positions that should be skipped. For example, in the diagram below there are 6 holes in the pattern. If you do not want to drill holes for positions 2 and 5, enter 2 and 5 in the Skip List field





A  Start Angle

B  X Center, Y Center

C  radius






See the Field Glossary for definitions of the Bolt Circle fields:



See Bolt Circle to Holes Locations or Pattern Locations Conversion to convert the Bolt Circle to a Holes Locations or Pattern Locations block.


Follow this link to to view Bolt Circle video demonstrations.

          Bolt Circle video demonstrations on

Scroll down on the page and select the Intro 9 or Intro 10 Bolt Circle video to download. Internet connection is required.