—the file name of the part program. This field appears in Program Properties as read-only.
—Basic or Industry Standard NC.
—select axes data:
Standard = 3-axis
Rotary A or Rotary B = 4-axis
Rotary A, Tilt B or Tilt A, Rotary C = 5-axis
Universal Rotary = all types (default)
—specifies if program should stop on M01 command.
—the diameter of the tool neck.
—the new Feed in a Change block.
—the new tool for the finish pass in a Change block.
—the new Plunge Feed in a Change block.
—the new Speed (RPM) in a Change block.
—the new Tool in a Change block.
—the new number assigned to a tool in Tool Setup.
—displays the serial number that will be milled on the next cycle.
—the tool that will be moved to the spindle by the next tool change.
—a description of the touch-off device in Tool Measurement screen. To change the specified device number, select any field for that device.
—in Pattern data block, the number of times a pattern will be repeated along the defined line or path.
—in Universal Transform Plane Groups, the number of transform planes in the sequence.
—the number of axes present on the machining center.
—the number of holes in the pattern, including those skipped. Up to 250 holes can be programmed in one operation.
—the number of sides the polygon will have, from three to 100.