Review Mode

The Program Review screen is accessed with the console Review key.



Data blocks and sub blocks of the active part program are displayed. Program blocks can be moved and added in the Program Review screen.


Start typing a block number to jump to that block in the review list. The Jump to block pop-up box opens; select OK to go to that block in the list.

Jump to the program block by highlighting the block in the list and selecting the Part Programming softkey.

Tool data and notes are displayed in the Tools and Notes tabs:

  • Tool information for the selected data block is displayed in the Tools tab. When a tool is selected the Edit Tool softkey is displayed and will open Tool Setup for the selected tool.

  • Notes can be entered for the selected data block or sub block in the Notes tab. Notes are displayed on the Review screen and with the data block when the blocks are printed.

Program Review softkeys are:

  1. Multiple Block Functions—allows multiple blocks to be cut, copied, or pasted between programs:

    1. Cuthighlight data block(s) and touch this softkey to delete from the current program. Block(s) can then be pasted into the same or a different program.

    2. Copyhighlight data block(s) and select this softkey to make a copy that can be pasted into the same or a different program.

    3. Pasteplaces previously cut or copied data block(s) above the highlighted data block.

    4. Deletehighlight data block(s) and touch this softkey to permanently remove the block from the program.


Multiple blocks can be selected simultaneously by holding the F and Alt keys while pressing the up or down arrow keys.


Once dimensions are converted, converting back to the original dimensions may result in dimension errors.

  1. Rotary/Liner Conversion—converts linear and rotary dimensions:

    1. Convert to Rotary—converts linear dimensions to rotary dimensions; a flat geometry can be wrapped around a cylinder, given a radius. Blocks that can be wrapped are: contour, circle, frame, slot, polygon, TrueType lettering holes (locations), and patterns (loop linear, loop rectangular, and mirror). Select an orientation softkey and the Convert to Rotary softkey and you will be prompted to enter a cylinder radius.

    2. Convert to Linear—converts rotary dimensions to linear dimensions.

If centerlines are enabled in Part Setup, the Z values in the blocks are not adjusted. If the centerlines are disabled, the Z axis becomes the radius in the block and the cylinder radius is applied to the value.


For WinMax Desktop and WinMax Mill on machines not equipped with rotary, the Default Conversational Program Type must be changed to a rotary type in order to convert the program to rotary. This is changed in Conversational Settings in Utilities.

  • Delete Block / Delete Sub Block—deletes the highlighted data block or sub-block.

  • Part Programming—allows you to edit the selected data block or sub-block. See Part Programming in the Conversational Programming manual for more information.

  • Program Parameters—access General, Milling, Holes, Probing, and Performance parameters. NC parameters are accessible for NC programs.

  • Part Setup—access the Part Setup screen to establish part zero, centerline, offset Z, safety work region, and other parameters.

  • Part Program Tool Review—review the tools used in the part program.

  • Insert Block / Sub Block Before—inserts a new program block or sub-block before the selected block or sub-block.