Disk Operations

Disk Operations displays available directories and files. Cut, copy, paste, rename, and delete program files from Disk Operations.

See also:

Managing Program Files

Import / Export Functions

NC States

Retrieve Log and Diagnostic Files



When a directory is highlighted in the Directory window, the softkeys are:

  1. Cut Directory—deletes the directory from one location to be pasted into another location

  2. Copy Directory—makes a copy of the directory (but does not delete) to be pasted into another location

  3. Paste Into Directory—pastes the directory or file that has been cut or copied. For example, to copy a directory and paste it into a new location:

    • Highlight the directory you wish to copy.

    • Select the COPY DIRECTORY F2 softkey.

    • Highlight the folder in which you wish to place the copied directory.

    • Select the PASTE INTO DIRECTORY F3 softkey.

  4. Create Directory—creates a new directory.

  5. Rename Directory—renames a directory.

  6. Delete Directory—removes the directory.

  7. FTP Manager—displays the external network connections (with Ultinet option).

When a file is highlighted in the Files Window, the softkeys are:

  1. Cut—deletes the file from one location to be pasted into another location.

  2. Copy—makes a copy of the file (but does not delete) to be pasted into another location.

  3. Paste—pastes the file that has been cut or copied. For example, to copy a file and paste it into a new location:

    • Highlight the file you wish to copy.

    • Select the COPY F2 softkey.

    • Highlight the folder in which you wish to place the copied file.

    • Select the PASTE F3 softkey.

  4. Rename—renames the file.

  5. Delete—removes the file.

  6. Load—loads the file into the Program Manager.

  7. FTP Manager—displays the external network connections (with Ultinet option).