Log Files

WinMax provides two log files that are accessed with the Log Files softkey, as well as status and error listings:

Active Error Listing

WinMax provides a list of the most recent error messages displayed, up to a maximum of 200 messages. Review messages when troubleshooting or to determine if a problem recurs.

These are the softkeys on the Active Error Listing screen:

  • Previous Page—displays the error messages on the previous page of the Active Error Listing.

  • Next Pagedisplays the error messages on the next page of the Active Error Listing.

  • Clear All—clears all error messages from the Active Error Listing.

Active Status Listing

The Active Status Listing screen displays current machine status messages. Each item will include time/date stamp, language file, language file index and the machine status message currently active in the system. Examples are messages such as “MOTION HOLD HAS BEEN DEPRESSED,” or “LOW LUBE LEVEL.” As each status changes back to a normal state, it will be removed from the list (see Status History).


10:53:39, STATUS.WRC, 32


These are the softkeys on the Active Status Listing screen:

  • Previous Page—displays the status messages on the previous page of the Active Error Listing.

  • Next Pagedisplays the status messages on the next page of the Active Error Listing.

  • Clear All—clears all status messages from the Active Status Listing.

Error History

The Error History screen displays a list of all system errors since the last power up (see Active Error Listing). A plus sign “+” indicates when the error occurred and a minus sign “-” indicates when the error was cleared.


Error occurred:

10:53:40, ERROR.WRC, 110, +


Error cleared:

10:57:32, ERROR.WRC, 110, -


The history will also display part program errors generated during programming (interpreter errors). These errors will not display in the Active Error Listing since they are transient.


11:39:21, COMPILER.WRC, 3, +



Status History

The Status History screen displays a list of all system messages since the last power up (see Active Status Listing). A plus sign “+” indicates when the status went active and a minus sign “-” indicates when the status returned to normal.


Status went active:

10:53:39, STATUS.WRC, 32, +


Status returned to normal: Log F

10:54:27, STATUS.WRC, 32, -


Retrieve Log and Diagnostic Files

When the Retrieve Log and Diagnostic Files softkey is selected, a file manager screen opens with access to Log and Diagnostic files. Directories are displayed in the left pane; these include AtcMapLog, Communications, DumpFiles, NavErr, NavTap, NavESTOP, Profiles, ScreenCaptures, and ThreadMonitor. Select a directory to see its contents (the files) displayed in the right pane. To help distinguish between files, the date is included in the filename.

When it is necessary to copy certain files for service purposes, follow these steps:


Due to the large size of some of the files, it is recommended to copy them from the Hurco machine to a USB flash memory device.

  1. Attach the USB flash memory device to the external connector on the communications port on the machine.

  2. Select the appropriate directory from the left-hand pane and select the file(s) you wish to copy from the right-hand pane.

  3. Select the COPY softkey.

  4. In the left-hand pane, select the USB flash memory device (will probably indicate it is E drive in parentheses).

  5. Select the PASTE softkey. The files are now on the USB flash memory device, and can be transferred to a PC to be emailed.

Export Log

The Export Log displays data that is lost or changed when a program is exported from WinMax (.HWM) to another format (.HD3, .FNC, etc.). Each time a program is exported from .HWM to another format, the data from the most recent export is displayed and the older data is erased.

These are the softkeys on the Export Log screen:

  • Previous Page—displays the previous page if log is longer than one page.

  • Next Page—displays the next page if log is longer than one page.

  • Clear All—erases all information from the Export Log.