
—in Machine Function data block, the action the pallet makes when M70 (Pallet Change) is called:

  • Exchange—pallets are exchanged

  • Cycle to Pallet 1

  • Cycle to Pallet 2

Pallet in Machine

—indicates whether the APC table Position 1 or 2 is in the machining area.

Pallet Pin

—indicates if the APC Pin is Locked or Unlocked. The operator uses the Manual Table Release Lever to engage/disengage the pallet pin. The pallet pin must be engaged to allow and APC cycle.

Pallet Reference Position

—indicates if the pallet is in the correct orientation. Pallet must be in the correct orientation before engaging the pallet pin. The Manual Table Release Lever must be at Reference Pos to begin an APC cycle.

Pallet Status in Machine

—indicates Pallet Squared/Not Squared. Pallet must be squared to begin an APC cycle.


provides simple error checking for transmitted data:

  • Select Even if the data bits plus the parity bit result in an even number of 1's

  • Select Odd if the data bits plus the parity bit result in an odd number of 1’s.

  • Select None if there is no parity bit included in the transmission. When No is selected, its assumed that there are other forms of checking that will detect any errors in transmission.

  • For example, suppose the data bits 01110001 are transmitted to your computer. If even parity is selected, then the parity bit is set to 0 by the transmitting device to produce an even number of 1's. If odd parity is selected, then the parity bit is set to 1 by the transmitting device to produce an odd number of 1's.


—the current relative axes location or distance-to-go (DTG).

Part Count

—the number of parts already completed. This field can be edited by selecting the Reset Part Count softkey. A pop-up window opens, where the part count value can be changed or reset to zero.

Part Kinematics Z Reference

—enter or store the Z axis position for the Part Kinematics Z Reference location.

Part Probe Cycle

—the type of cycle selected.

Part Program Name

—the name of the current part program.

Part Program Path

—the part program’s directory path.

Part Surface

—turn on to show the part surface in graphic display (appears as solid cyan line).

Part X Offset

—manually offsets part zero in the DXF drawing. All dimensions are calculated from this point.

Part Y Offset

—manually offsets part zero in the DXF drawing. All dimensions are calculated from this point.

Part Zero IV

—the 4th-axis part zero coordinate in universal rotary configuration.

Part Zero V

—the 5th-axis part zero coordinate in universal rotary configuration.

Part Zero A

the A-axis part zero rotary coordinate.

Part Zero B

the B-axis part zero rotary coordinate.

Part Zero C

the C-axis part zero rotary coordinate.

Part Zero Cycle

—the type of cycle chosen from the Part Zero Probe Cycles softkey menu.

Part Zero X

the X-axis part zero coordinate.

Part Zero Y

the Y-axis part zero coordinate.

Part Zero Z

the distance from Machine Zero to the workpiece Z0 of the part in Absolute Tool Length Mode,. This field defaults to zero for all new programs. See Absolute Tool Length mode in Getting Started with WinMax Mill for more information.

  • Touch the top of workpiece with the tip of a calibrated tool and select the Calculate Part Z with Current Tool softkey. The value is automatically entered into the field as the distance from the touch-off gauge block to the workpiece.

  • To add an offset, add or subtract a value from the Part Zero Z value.


If this field is not set before running a part program, tools will plunge to the gauge block height.

Part Zero Z Shift

—the global offset to the Part Zero value in Z (Absolute Tool Length Mode).


—in Program Properties, the media and directory path to the saved program. Field appears as read-only.

Peck Clearance Plane

the relative distance to the previous peck level. In conversational programming, the tool retracts to Z Start after each peck. The tool then rapids down to a position which is the Peck Clearance distance above the previous peck level before plunging to the next peck level at plunge feedrate.

  • The default is 0.05 inches (1.27 mm).

  • The range is 0 through 99.9999 inches (0 through 2514.6 mm).

Peck Depth

in Milling blocks, the maximum depth to be cut in one pass. If the total depth is greater than this value, multiple cutting passes occur. Entering a zero (0) value causes the total programmed depth to be cut in one pass of the tool.

—in Drill/Custom Drill, the distance the tool drills down into the part before stopping to clear out or break the chips. If used, this parameter is usually not larger than the tool's diameter. If a specific number of pecks is desired, the value for Peck Depth can be calculated by determining the absolute distance between Z Start and Z Bottom and dividing that value by the desired number of pecks. For example: a distance of 1.0000 inch between Z Start and Z Bottom divided by a peck depth of 0.2500 inch requires four (4) pecks to drill the hole.

Pecking Retract Clearance

—in Drill/Custom Drill, an incremental distance above or below Z Start, to which the tool retracts between pecks.

  • Field is only enabled when Peck Type is Standard.

  • Defaults to 0.0, in which case the tool returns to Z Start between pecks.

  • This value may be negative, indicating a peck retract plane below Z Start.

  • If Peck Depth = 0.0, this field is disabled.


This field applies only to Holes drilling operations and has no relationship to the Pecking Retract Clearance field in Program Parameters, which applies only to Milling operations.

—in General 1 Program Parameters, the height above Z Start to which the tool should move between milling operations. Field is active when Enable Pecking Retract Clearance parameter is set to On.

Peck Retract Feed

—the feed rate for the move out of the hole, when Rapid Peck Retract is No.

Peck Type

—the type of pecking; used only with a Drill or Customer Drill operation. Two softkey choices appear: Standard and Chip Breaker.

  • Standard - the tool retracts to Z Start or the location specified in the Pecking Retract Clearance field between pecks.

  • Chip Breaker - the tool dwells at each peck level for two revolutions before continuing to feed to the next peck level.


—the distance between threads. In a Mill Thread block, field is read-only for multi-cutter thread mills; the value comes from Tool Setup. If this value is changed by the operator, the TPI is recalculated.

—in Tool Setup, appears when the tool type is Tap or Thread Mill (MC). Threads per Inch (TPI) appears when the program’s unit of measurement is inch. Pitch appears when millimeter is the selected unit of measurement. The range is 0.0 through 1000.00 inches for TPI (0.0 to 2514.6 mm for Pitch). If you enter a value for TPI, WinMax automatically calculates the Pitch. If you enter a value for Pitch, WinMax calculates TPI. “CAL” appears next to the calculated value.

Plunge Feed

the feed rate for the tool moving from Z Start to Z Bottom.

—in Tool Setup, the default plunge feed for the tool. This value is calculated based on diameter and feed per revolution. Value may also be entered directly into the field. Depending on tool type this field may be Feed.

Plunge Speed

 the speed of the spindle with the tool closed while entering or exiting the hole in a Back Spotface operation.

Plunge Type

the plunging strategy to use for the roughing and finishing passes. Choose Straight or Helix. The default setting is Straight.


—use slider to turn plunge moves on or off in graphics display (appears as magenta lines). Default is Yes.

Pocket First

—select YES if pocketing should be done before milling the swept surface.

Pocket Plunge Near Center

if Yes, UltiPocket will attempt to perform a plunge at the approximate center of the pocket and then move to the start point of the pocket. If the software detects an interference with plunging in the center, the plunge will be made at the start of the tool path. The default setting is No.


The Pocket Plunge Near Center parameter may be used with frames, circles, ellipses, and contours with Pocket Type Inward, and contours with Pocket Type Outward.

Frames, circles, and ellipses with Pocket Type Outward automatically attempt to plunge to the center.

Pocket Rough SFQ

—Surface Finish Quality for pocket roughing.

Pocket Finish SFQ

—Surface Finish Quality for pocket finishing.


Desired Result


High precision parts / finishing


Good surface quality / finishing, semi-finishing


High throughput / roughing

Pocket Type

appears when Pocket Boundary is chosen for Milling Type. Defines if tool movement is Inside, Outside, ADP Zigzag, or ADP 1-Way. Requires the UltiPockets options, see Pocket Boundary, on page 12 - 2 in the UltiPockets chapter.

Pocket X Start

—the X coordinate pocket plunge point.

Pocket Y Start

—the Y coordinate pocket plunge point.


—the presence of a part probe. Select the Yes or No softkey to indicate whether the probe is present. If not present, then the remaining part probe parameters are not used.

Preset X

—the offset for Part Zero X. Entering an offset in this field is optional.

The offset(s) will be subtracted from the center point and applied to Part Zero X if you select the ACCEPT POSITION AS PART ZERO softkey, which appears after the cycle has been run. This field appears when the Probing Axis is X or Y. It is not available for Probing Axis Z.

Preset Y

—the offset for Part Zero Y. Entering an offset in this field is optional.

The offset(s) will be subtracted from the center point and applied to Part Zero Y if you select the ACCEPT POSITION AS PART ZERO softkey, which appears after the cycle has been run. This field appears when the Probing Axis is X or Y. It is not available for Probing Axis Z.

Probe Axis

—the X, Y, or Z (Edge cycle) axis to probe. (Edge, Slot, and Web cycles only.)

Probe Cycle Type

—the type of tool monitoring selected from the Probe Tool Monitoring menu: Tool Breakage Detection, Length Wear, Diameter Wear, or Length and Diameter Wear.

Probe Direction X

—the direction, positive or negative, the probe moves when looking for the part.

Probe Direction Y

—the direction, positive or negative, the probe moves when looking for the part.

Probe Z

—the distance from Z Zero to the top of the part (i.e., the height, or Z Plane), including the reference tool or part probe in the spindle; in Zero Calibration mode.

Probing Axis

—the axis of deflection in the X/Y plane. Orientation of the probe will determine if it deflects along the X axis or the Y axis. It is assumed the probe will always deflect along the Z axis.

Probing Direction

—the direction to probe: Positive or Negative. This field appears when the Probing Axis is X or Y. It is not available for Probing Axis Z.

Probing Direction X

—the X direction to probe: Positive or Negative.

Probing Direction Y

—the Y direction to probe: Positive or Negative.

Probing Length X

—the maximum value of the estimated X length. Half of this value is used to determine the point at which the Z axis begins to move downward; i.e., its horizontal travel limit for X.

Probing Length Y

—the maximum value of the estimated Y length. Half of this value is used to determine the point at which the Z axis begins to move downward; i.e., its horizontal travel limit for Y.

Probing Method

—the Probing Method selected on the Tool Probing screen. Field is read-only.

Probing Radius

—a value for the probe search radius. This value is used for determining the point at which the probe stops horizontal travel and begins to move downward.

Profile Number

—the number of the Swept Surface profile.

Program Number

—the NC program number.

Program Run Time

—the time the program has been running.

Program Type

—the type of program. Use the drop-down list to change the program type. The default Conversational Program Type can be set in Conversational Settings, see Conversational Settings in Getting Started with WinMax Mill for more information.


the format in which the data is communicated. Choose from CTS/RTS (hardware flow control), Xon/Xoff (software flow control), and Full Handshake.

Pulsating or Delay Washdown Enable

—sets the Washdown Coolant pump run cycle; used in conjunction with other washdown coolant parameters. See Machine Parameters – General 1 in Getting Started with WinMax Mill for more information.

Put Block Before

move a block in the program before the indicated block.