Error is the result of failed steps during either a tool change or a requested action as part of Diagnostics.
ATC Error occurred on selected operation.
Spindle is neither clamped nor unclamped.
Magazine Calibrate Timeout; Magazine reference LS not seen.
usually caused by debris or another obstruction blocking the sensor. A less common cause is an incorrect configuration causing the control to look at the wrong IO points.
Possible causes include low air or hydraulic pressure, misalignment or failure of the unclamp sensor.
Magazine Calibrate Timeout; Magazine reference LS not seen.
when magazine rotates, position one and two hits sensors, when the magazine rotated, it did not reach the end position sensor in the expected amount of time or is currently stoped in between stations.
Occurs in response to failed steps during either a tool change or a requested action as part of Diagnostics.
Probe input not detected.