Machine Parameters – Auxiliary Outputs






Aux Output 1-12 Confirmation Enable

Enables a confirmation signal for completion of each Auxiliary M-code Output.



Aux Output 1-12 Disable During Interrupt

Disables the specified Auxiliary M-code Output when an Interrupt cycle is selected during Auto Run mode.



Aux Output 1-12 Recovery Restart

Executes all or only the last auxiliary output ON/OFF M-codes before the recovery restart block.

Execute All

Execute Last

Execute All


Aux Output Parameters

If an auxiliary output is mapped to the auxiliary coolant, an AUX COOLANT label is displayed next to the auxiliary output number and the CONFIRMATION ENABLE and DISABLE DURING INTERRUPT fields are disabled. RECOVERY RESTART remains enabled. Refer to Machine Parameters - Coolant for more information on mapping the auxiliary coolant to an auxiliary output.


Aux Output 1-12 Confirmation Enable

Aux Output Confirmation Enable set to YES enables a confirmation signal for completion of each Auxiliary M-code Output. The program pauses until the confirmation signal is detected. A setting of NO will not require a confirmation signal and will not pause the program during the Auxiliary M-code Output.

The default setting for each Auxiliary Output Confirmation Enable is NO.

Aux Output 1-12 Disable During Interrupt

When set to YES, the Disable During Interrupt parameter disables the specified Auxiliary M-code Output when an interrupt cycle is selected during Auto Run mode. Upon return to Auto Run mode, the Auxiliary M-code Output will automatically be re-enabled. However, if another mode is selected, then the Auxiliary M-code Output will remain disabled until activated again in Auto Run mode.

A setting of NO will leave the Auxiliary M-code Output enabled when an Interrupt cycle is selected during Auto Run mode. It will remain enabled after exit from Interrupt cycle, even when accessing a mode other than Auto Run.

The default setting for each Auxiliary Output Disable During Interrupt is NO.

Aux Output 1-12 Recovery Restart

When set to EXECUTE ALL, the Recovery Restart parameter executes all on/off M-codes before the recovery restart block. When set to EXECUTE LAST, only the last M-code is executed before the recovery restart block.