
For each Holes block, you must include a Bolt Circle, Locations, or Rotary Locations operation. The Bolt Circle, Locations, or Rotary Locations softkeys are not available for the first operation in a Holes block because they require prior operations to identify the type of operation, the tool, reference points, and machining information.

  • All Locations programmed in a block containing a Bolt Circle are executed in addition to the Bolt Circle pattern.

  • All operations programmed in a data block are performed at all locations specified in that block.

To program a new Locations operation:

  1. Display the Input screen and select the Part Programming softkey.

  2. Select the Insert Block Before softkey.

  3. Select the Holes softkey. The Hole Operation screen opens.

  4. Select and program the hole operation(s).

  5. Place cursor in the Operation field and select Next Operation softkey.

  6. Select the Locations softkey.

Specify the X and Y hole locations. Up to 10 locations can be displayed on the screen. The Page Up/Page Down softkeys appear when there are more than 10 locations programmed. With the cursor in a Location X or Y field, the Add Location and Insert Location Before softkeys appear. Select one of these softkeys to either add or insert fields in the list for entering data. The Delete Location softkey appears when at least one location is in the list.

Move to the next Block or the next Operation by placing the cursor in the desired field and selecting the appropriate softkey (Next Block, Next Hole Operation, etc.).


See Holes to Pattern Locations Conversion to convert the Locations block to a Pattern Locations block.