Change Parameters

Use this feature to change data stored in Program Parameters (Refer to Program Parameters in Getting Started with WinMax Mill):

When a part program is executed, the data selected in Program Parameters are in effect until the system encounters another Change Parameters data block or until the end of the program.

When planning a change to the Retract Clearance parameter, consider the following points:

  1. This parameter is defined relative to the Z Start dimension and can optimize Z axis tool motion between localized operations.

  2. If all of the operations are at the same Z Start plane, there is no difference between a relative and an absolute clearance. However, when groups of cutting operations are at different Z levels on the part, programming a relative Retract Clearance can be more efficient than an absolute retract dimension. It is possible, using a relative Retract Clearance, to eliminate unnecessary tool motion and save execution time.

  3. If the Z Start dimension of the next operation is different from that of the current operation, the control uses the higher of the two values for Retract Clearance before positioning the part in the X-Y axes.

  4. To achieve a Retract Clearance close to the part may require the use of a Position data block. Programming a Position block causes the tool to retract to the Z Top (+) of the Safety Work Region.

Examples of areas in which a Position data block must be used rather than a simple parameter change are as follows:

  • Between operations, a clamp or raised portion of the part is higher than the programmed relative clearance.

  • When cutting occurs inside a cavity and is followed by work inside another cavity in which an optimal Retract Clearance for operations is below the surface of the part.

Refer to Position Data Block for information about when to use a Position block instead of changing parameters.

Change Parameters (General)

Use this feature to change the General Parameters for the current program.


The Change Parameters (General) fields are the same as General Parameters 1 and General Parameters 2. Refer to Program Parameters in Getting Started with WinMax Mill.

Change Parameters (Milling)

Use this feature to change Milling Parameters for the current program.


The Change Parameters (Milling) fields are the same as Milling Parameters 1 and Milling Parameters 2. Refer to Program Parameters in Getting Started with WinMax Mill.

Change Parameters (Holes)

Use this feature to set the Holes Parameters for the current program.


The Change Parameters (Holes) fields are the same as Holes Parameters. Refer to Program Parameters in Getting Started with WinMax Mill.

Change Parameters (Probing)

Use this feature to change the Probing Parameters for the current program.


The Change Parameters (Probing) fields are the same as Probing Parameters. Refer to Program Parameters in Getting Started with WinMax Mill.


Change Parameters (Performance)

Use this feature to change Surface Finish Quality parameters for the current program.


The Change Parameters (Performance) fields are defined the same as Performance Parameters. Refer to Program Parameters in Getting Started with WinMax Mill.