Motor Encoder: Incorrect Enc. Signals (Can Be Cleared in PM)
Since the position is no longer generated correctly when this error is detected, the encoder must be re-initialized.
When using an incremental encoder with square-wave signals, monitoring is carried out with regard to an inadmissible edge. On the software level, the signals of a resolver are monitored for their levels.
Defective encoder cable or cable shielding
Encoder defective
Faulty mounting of measuring head in the case of linear measuring systems
When operating a motor of ‘IndraDyn MSM’ type: A fault has been detected in the sending telegram of the encoder; telegram failed twice
Measuring system dirty
Hardware defect on control section of drive
Check cable to measuring system and replace it, if necessary
Check measuring system and replace it, if necessary
Check mounting of measuring head and correct it, if necessary
Faults such as an electrostatic discharge to the shaft of the motor may lead to failure of the encoder sending telegram. Prevent faults.
Clean or replace measuring system
Replace control section or entire drive controller